Thursday 18 February 2016

My First Impressions of HNI

Yesterday we had Technology. For Technology I got put in 2b which is food Tech. For food Tech we made fruit kababs,we had to bring different veriatys of fruits like Apples,Pineapple,Melon,Oranges and more. I brought an Apple,three Plums and Melon. First Miss Bassett Showed us a google slide with Instructions on it. First you have to wash your hands,then you have to check your finger nails to see if they are dirty or not.Mine weren't.Then we have to whatch and listen to Miss Bassett. Miss Bassett showed us how to chop fruit and how to thread the fruit on to the kebab stick. Miss Bassett tought us about the different fruits,like what fruits worms can eat and what fruits worms can't eat. At HNI i have made heaps more friends. I have two friends that came from the same school as me but aren't in the same class as me.  Now i have plenty more. I have the whole class as my friends. At the start of the year when Mrs Hurley showed us the way to our class room,on the white board it said.There is no strangers in here they are just friends you have not meet yet. I think that HNI is an extrodanary school because we have P.E gear that we get changed into for P.E. I also like how HNI has nice teachers. The nicest teacher is Mrs Hurley.