Wednesday 3 August 2016

First Day At Electronics

The Get Ready Get Thru website tells us there are three things we need to do to get ready for a disaster which are...
1. Have a household Emergency plan
2.Assemble Emergency survival items
3.Have a get away kit
It says I need a torch with spare batteries in my survival items. I am going to design and make an Emergency Light at Electronics. In my family we would need 90 litres of water all together because 3 litres per person and I have 10 people in my family so 3x10=30x3=90 litres.


Tuesday 2 August 2016

Room 2 Magical Mintie Moment

In maths we are doing Statistics. We have had a competition on who can suck the mintie the longest and who can make the longest snake out of the mintie wrapper. So we made a data and graph google sheet that had room 2s names and the length and time we had it in our mouths and how long the wrapper was. There were 2 people that got there snakes over a meter which I thought was amazing. It was Summer and Mrs Hurley but Mrs Hurleys was the longest. There were also 2 people that sucked on their mintie for over 1 hour. One of them was me and the other was Kauri. Mrs Hurley won for the longest wrapper and Kauri won for sucking the mintie the longest. But he bet me by one second. I found it interesting that if you kept your mintie in the same place and don't move it it would last longer than the others that move it around in their mouths. I also found it interesting that if you take your time making your snake you will find in longer than the others that didn't. Here is my graph I made on google sheets...