Thursday 10 November 2016

Reflective Writing - Week 4 & 5 Term 4 - 31st Oct-11th Nov

My success this week is Athletics, becasue athletics day hasn't been my favourite day through out the years of Te Mata Primary but as I got to this year I really enjoyed it. This year for athletics I had fun doing all the events but I really enjoyed the sprints becasue in the 100m sprints I came 1st= with Rachel! When the gun went off I ran with fear, I was shaking with fear thinking I wasn't going to win but sprints is not about winning its about having fun so thats what I did.

My other success this week is Media studies, because the first media studies class I didn't know what media studies was until the next lesson becasue Mr Cottrell was telling us on the first lesson about a story. It was interesting! the next lesson we were learning about what media studies was and how it worked. The 3rd lesson was fun but it wasnt as fun as the last session. The last lesson was the best becasue we went live on peak tv!

My concerns this last week are I don't have any concerns

My goal for next week are to try and get my homework done in time, because latley I havent been presenting my homework to the class in time so hopefully this homework I present it to the class in time. I have set this goal because I am hoping to complete this goal before next week!

Image result for gold rush