Friday 9 December 2016

Science Facts

Did You Know...

What makes popcorn pop?
Popcorn is a special kind of corn. Of all the types of corn popcorn is the only variety that pops. Inside each kernel of popcorn is a tiny droplet of water surrounded by a hard shell called a hull. As the popcorn is heated the water turns into steam which builds pressure inside the kernel.

What causes thunder?
Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance and nature of the lightning thunder can range from a sharp loud crack to a long low rumble. The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning.

What causes a rainbow?
A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

Why does hair turn grey?
As we get older the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color like gray, silver or white as it grows.

Why do we feel dizzy when we spin?
As each hair bends it makes its nerve cell send a signal telling the brain about that movement. When we spin around the fluid starts spinning too. ... When we stop, the fluid keeps moving. That may make us feel that we are spinning backward.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Reflective Writing - Week 4 & 5 Term 4 - 31st Oct-11th Nov

My success this week is Athletics, becasue athletics day hasn't been my favourite day through out the years of Te Mata Primary but as I got to this year I really enjoyed it. This year for athletics I had fun doing all the events but I really enjoyed the sprints becasue in the 100m sprints I came 1st= with Rachel! When the gun went off I ran with fear, I was shaking with fear thinking I wasn't going to win but sprints is not about winning its about having fun so thats what I did.

My other success this week is Media studies, because the first media studies class I didn't know what media studies was until the next lesson becasue Mr Cottrell was telling us on the first lesson about a story. It was interesting! the next lesson we were learning about what media studies was and how it worked. The 3rd lesson was fun but it wasnt as fun as the last session. The last lesson was the best becasue we went live on peak tv!

My concerns this last week are I don't have any concerns

My goal for next week are to try and get my homework done in time, because latley I havent been presenting my homework to the class in time so hopefully this homework I present it to the class in time. I have set this goal because I am hoping to complete this goal before next week!

Image result for gold rush

Friday 9 September 2016

Electronics Emergency Light

I have started construction and so far I have done... So far on my Emergency Light I have Drilled my wholes, Put cooper tape on corflute, Put LED lights in the wholes of the corflute, Marked the VE- and VE+ and have soldered the VE+ side to the copper tape. The one thing I found most challenging was drilling the wholes in the corflute.
Image result for under construction

Friday 2 September 2016

Olympic Art

Yesterday in class Room 2 had an art lesson. For our art we had to get an A3 piece of paper and draw a sketch of an olympic symbol, then we had to colour it in with oil pastel. The backround was geometric shapes made up with Dark Green, Light Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue and different mustard colours. In the torch I put Red, Orange and Yellow. Here is my piece of art...

Thursday 1 September 2016

Thank You Letters

During this week for writing Room 2 have been writing a letter to New World, H2go, Pure NZ, Mainfrieght and Ms Beamount, my group got New World... First we had to draft out our peace of writing, then we had to show Mrs Hurley and she will check it and give us a peace of yellow card and a peace of refil paper so that we could write our good copy. After we had finished our good copy we stuck the letter on the yellow card and we had to either take a picture or draw a picture and stick it on ur card, then once we had finished that we had to write Thankyou on the front and hand into the teacher. I had heaps of fun.Here is mine.....

Wednesday 3 August 2016

First Day At Electronics

The Get Ready Get Thru website tells us there are three things we need to do to get ready for a disaster which are...
1. Have a household Emergency plan
2.Assemble Emergency survival items
3.Have a get away kit
It says I need a torch with spare batteries in my survival items. I am going to design and make an Emergency Light at Electronics. In my family we would need 90 litres of water all together because 3 litres per person and I have 10 people in my family so 3x10=30x3=90 litres.


Tuesday 2 August 2016

Room 2 Magical Mintie Moment

In maths we are doing Statistics. We have had a competition on who can suck the mintie the longest and who can make the longest snake out of the mintie wrapper. So we made a data and graph google sheet that had room 2s names and the length and time we had it in our mouths and how long the wrapper was. There were 2 people that got there snakes over a meter which I thought was amazing. It was Summer and Mrs Hurley but Mrs Hurleys was the longest. There were also 2 people that sucked on their mintie for over 1 hour. One of them was me and the other was Kauri. Mrs Hurley won for the longest wrapper and Kauri won for sucking the mintie the longest. But he bet me by one second. I found it interesting that if you kept your mintie in the same place and don't move it it would last longer than the others that move it around in their mouths. I also found it interesting that if you take your time making your snake you will find in longer than the others that didn't. Here is my graph I made on google sheets... 

Monday 30 May 2016


An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally. We have been looking at idioms relating to the Human Machine.
Mine is A Pat On The Back.

Here is my idiom...

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Scale Drawing

In Mathematics we have been studying Transformation. We have completed an enlargement which is called a Scale Drawing. My scale factor is 2:1.
Here is my Scale Drawing.


                                                               ANZAC Stamp

Here is my ANZAC stamp. I have drawn a white cross to represent the soldiers who died and fought for New Zealand. I have drawn Poppies to represent the flowers that grew on the battle field and blood from the soldiers and also put a sunrise to represent the dawn for the dawn parade.

Friday 13 May 2016

ANZAC Diary Entry


                                         ANZAC Writing

In writing this week  we have been looking at diary writing while in the trenches during ANZAC campaing of World War 1...Here is my diary writing.

27th May 1917

Dear Mother,

Its freezing cold here as it just turned Winter. It’s constantly drizzling over night and throughout the day as I have been shooting through it. I've been badly injured but don’t worry about me i'll be fine.

Many biscuits have been eaten. We call them hard tack. All we have been eating is hard biscuits(hardtack) but they last a long time but eventually go rotten. We have had some men of ours break their teeth because some were to hard so he's lost one tooth now. The hardtack is harder than a normal biscuit because we only put in all the dry ingredients so they last longer as normal biscuits u put wet and dry ingredients. We have rats as big as cats living in our trenches which they have been taking our biscuits.

As you know it’s a war here so we have loud gun noises and bombs go off as the noise is surrounding us  as we fight through the war. When we are in our trenches we can hear all the turkish men yelling at us saying ‘Fight’ ‘Fight’ ‘Fight’ to us. So we did. I think in my head ‘hopefully we win the fight’.

When we are in the our trenches eating our biscuits we can smell dead rats that are as big as cats. Everywhere we walk and everywhere we talk we can smell dead rats even when we are out of our trenches. I will  be here for another year so hopefully i’ll get back to you as I am moving trenches now.

From your dearest son Rex

Friday 11 March 2016

Whale Pot Bay Character Portrait

In class we have been reading Whale Pot Bay by Des Hunt. We Had to chose one of the main Characters Jake, Steph or Milton Summer and complete a charater portrait. I chose Steph and these are the descriptive words I used to describe her- Pretty, Long Blond Hair, Posh, Her Dad Died, Likes Being Perfect, Loves Milton Summer.

Room 2 Hillary House Banner Competittion

Today we designed a Room 2 Hillary house banner for Kotahitanga week. Here is my one. I hope you like it. It has a Whale for the Whale Pot BAy book by Des Hunt we are readng, A mountain for Mount Everest, a river for the Tuki tuki, A flag for New Zealand and heaps more.

Thursday 18 February 2016

My First Impressions of HNI

Yesterday we had Technology. For Technology I got put in 2b which is food Tech. For food Tech we made fruit kababs,we had to bring different veriatys of fruits like Apples,Pineapple,Melon,Oranges and more. I brought an Apple,three Plums and Melon. First Miss Bassett Showed us a google slide with Instructions on it. First you have to wash your hands,then you have to check your finger nails to see if they are dirty or not.Mine weren't.Then we have to whatch and listen to Miss Bassett. Miss Bassett showed us how to chop fruit and how to thread the fruit on to the kebab stick. Miss Bassett tought us about the different fruits,like what fruits worms can eat and what fruits worms can't eat. At HNI i have made heaps more friends. I have two friends that came from the same school as me but aren't in the same class as me.  Now i have plenty more. I have the whole class as my friends. At the start of the year when Mrs Hurley showed us the way to our class room,on the white board it said.There is no strangers in here they are just friends you have not meet yet. I think that HNI is an extrodanary school because we have P.E gear that we get changed into for P.E. I also like how HNI has nice teachers. The nicest teacher is Mrs Hurley.