Friday 13 May 2016

ANZAC Diary Entry


                                         ANZAC Writing

In writing this week  we have been looking at diary writing while in the trenches during ANZAC campaing of World War 1...Here is my diary writing.

27th May 1917

Dear Mother,

Its freezing cold here as it just turned Winter. It’s constantly drizzling over night and throughout the day as I have been shooting through it. I've been badly injured but don’t worry about me i'll be fine.

Many biscuits have been eaten. We call them hard tack. All we have been eating is hard biscuits(hardtack) but they last a long time but eventually go rotten. We have had some men of ours break their teeth because some were to hard so he's lost one tooth now. The hardtack is harder than a normal biscuit because we only put in all the dry ingredients so they last longer as normal biscuits u put wet and dry ingredients. We have rats as big as cats living in our trenches which they have been taking our biscuits.

As you know it’s a war here so we have loud gun noises and bombs go off as the noise is surrounding us  as we fight through the war. When we are in our trenches we can hear all the turkish men yelling at us saying ‘Fight’ ‘Fight’ ‘Fight’ to us. So we did. I think in my head ‘hopefully we win the fight’.

When we are in the our trenches eating our biscuits we can smell dead rats that are as big as cats. Everywhere we walk and everywhere we talk we can smell dead rats even when we are out of our trenches. I will  be here for another year so hopefully i’ll get back to you as I am moving trenches now.

From your dearest son Rex

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