Tuesday 30 May 2017

Tech Challenge

Monday, 29th May

Today Room 5 had a Technology Challenge and we had to build a solid bridge with only 20 iceblock sticks NO glue, NO cellotape or anything!. We had to get into 5 groups of 4 or 5 so Sierra, Shontaya, Summer and I formed a group of 4. The aim was to span a 30cm gap and support a 500g weight. Sierra came up with an idea which was to weave the iceblock sticks in a stable position, so we tried it...the first time we tried it didnt seem to work so we tryed another idea which was to stack the sticks over to the other side of the desk, so we tried it. It didnt seem to work so we asked Mr Birnie for help and he suggested me weave the iceblock sticks but before you knew it we had to test them but ours was not stable.


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