Tuesday 8 August 2017

Best Edited Writing

March 26th

Dear Julia,
I have been here for only 2 days and  i’m already hating it! The trenches are disgusting and there’s too many rats that get into the biscuits you made me before I left. I've been eating hard tack since the day I left you and I don't think I can eat it no longer so don't be surprised if I die of starvation. I’m already missing you I hope the war ends soon and I survive so I can come back home to you. There has been to many men killed, I hope i’m not the next! I haven’t slept since the last time I was with you… there’s too many guns going off and it’s killing me! Johnny has been shot three times but luckily he's still alive well should I say just about alive.I also have something to tell you! Yesterday when we landed in gallipoli i had been shot near the heart and I don’t know if i'll be able to make it. Just incase if I don’t I LOVE YOU! Being in the trenches wasn’t what I thought it would be like it’s literally … DISGUSTING!!!! … I don’t think I can live a bit longer like this! I can't even write a proper letter to you with all this destruction of the guns and the guys dieing in pain. I’m sorry if this letter comes late it's just  I have been wearing other’s shoes as mine just dissolve in the water nearly every day, but I can handle it. Having my feet in them ain't that bad.I really hope I get to see you soon! Anyways I have to go the team is needing help before all of them die so I will send another letter soon… I LOVE YOU HEAPS!!!
From your beloved husband,
