Wednesday 30 August 2017

Asstle Writing

     Term 3 Asttle Writing
Bottom left picture-
Boy looking under the bed

My Story is about-
Mother Joann dies under Johnny’s bed

Johnny= Little boy ( main character )
Joann= Mother
Thomas= Father
Professor Gertrud= Work Manager  

In Professor Gertruds basement (Setting One)
In Johnny’s room under the bed (Setting Two)

My Writing-

It all started back in the 1980’s when Johnny and his father Thomas went out helping Professor Gertrud down in the basement. The basement was filled with sticking cobwebs that would stick to you like bubblegum and creepy crawlies that give you the goosebumps that look like a camel's hump… anyway let’s get back to the story. So as you already know Johnny and his father Thomas are in the basement with Professor Gertrud.

Johnny was getting really bored so he took himself for a tour around the basement. He saw some pretty neat stuff! He got told not to touch anything as he walked around but of course Johnny had to touch something.
“JOHNNY! COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE” Professor Gertrud screamed from the top of his lungs.
Yes?...” Johnny whispered knowing he was in a lot of trouble.
“WHAT DID I SAY?” Professor Gertrud said.
Umm, not to touch anything?” As Johnny whispered once again.
“Yes, yes indeed I did” Professor Gertrud said as he lowered his voice.

Johnny ran off out the door and down the street all the way back home to his mother at full speed crying. About 15 minutes later he finally got home but there was no sign of mother Joann. Johnny was starting to freak out! He was yelling “Mommy, Are you home?”. There was no sign of mother Joann. Once again Johnny asked the same question “Mommy, are you home?” but there was still no sign of Johnny’s mother. Johnny ran to the phone in his bedroom. “ Where is it?” Johnny thought. “Oh yeah! Thats right it’s under my bed”.

“Mother?.... Mother?”. Johnny said as tears started to roll down the side of his face. “ Is that you?”. Johnny turned his mother over and saw she had KILLED HERSELF! With the dog's collar chain. Ever since you never saw her or the family ever again.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Body System Writing

What does The Heart do?

The heart works like a pump and pumps around about 100,000 times a day. The heart has two sides which is separated by an inner wall which is called the septum. The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and the left side of the heart receives the oxygen blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body.  
What can go wrong?

With heart failure the weakened heart can't supply the cells with enough blood. When this happens excess fluid builds up in your lungs and in the tissues throughout your body. You start to feel tired and become short of breath and your legs and ankles may become swollen.

How do you look after your heart?

Quit Smoking-
If you're a smoker, stopping is the biggest step you can take to reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Healthy Eating-
Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day.

Drink Less Alcohol-
If you drink alcohol, keep to the recommended daily limits.

Made By Olivia :)

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Argumentive Writing

Argumentive Writing- Shony And I :)

I reckon Frankie, Sierra, Shontaya and I have the right to take out 40 mins out of our afternoon and spend it with Keegan and Mr Ward. As you know Keegan isn't the smartest child on earth so if we spend 40 mins with Keegan after lunch it helps him understand more in life. We don't play with keegan just for the fun of it and to get out of class we do it to help him. I think we have many rights to help Keegan! This year we have taught Keegan many things and he enjoys us helping him with words that he struggles to say. As you know Mr Ward and Keegan have a pretty good connection with us girls so I still think we should be able to help Keegan in the afternoon. To me working with Keegan and Mr Ward has been the highlight of my year because I enjoy doing it. Last year I was scared to be around Keegan but working with him this year has made me understand that he isn't a dangerous boy he just has his angry and sad moments. We help Keegan speak more, move his body more and we use the snap cards to help him understand words and we use shape blocks to help him with the different shapes and we also play with the gym ball to help with his physical education. So in conclusion I think us girls should be able to do Keegan in the afternoon for the rest of the year!!

Best Edited Writing

March 26th

Dear Julia,
I have been here for only 2 days and  i’m already hating it! The trenches are disgusting and there’s too many rats that get into the biscuits you made me before I left. I've been eating hard tack since the day I left you and I don't think I can eat it no longer so don't be surprised if I die of starvation. I’m already missing you I hope the war ends soon and I survive so I can come back home to you. There has been to many men killed, I hope i’m not the next! I haven’t slept since the last time I was with you… there’s too many guns going off and it’s killing me! Johnny has been shot three times but luckily he's still alive well should I say just about alive.I also have something to tell you! Yesterday when we landed in gallipoli i had been shot near the heart and I don’t know if i'll be able to make it. Just incase if I don’t I LOVE YOU! Being in the trenches wasn’t what I thought it would be like it’s literally … DISGUSTING!!!! … I don’t think I can live a bit longer like this! I can't even write a proper letter to you with all this destruction of the guns and the guys dieing in pain. I’m sorry if this letter comes late it's just  I have been wearing other’s shoes as mine just dissolve in the water nearly every day, but I can handle it. Having my feet in them ain't that bad.I really hope I get to see you soon! Anyways I have to go the team is needing help before all of them die so I will send another letter soon… I LOVE YOU HEAPS!!!
From your beloved husband,
