Wednesday 30 August 2017

Asstle Writing

     Term 3 Asttle Writing
Bottom left picture-
Boy looking under the bed

My Story is about-
Mother Joann dies under Johnny’s bed

Johnny= Little boy ( main character )
Joann= Mother
Thomas= Father
Professor Gertrud= Work Manager  

In Professor Gertruds basement (Setting One)
In Johnny’s room under the bed (Setting Two)

My Writing-

It all started back in the 1980’s when Johnny and his father Thomas went out helping Professor Gertrud down in the basement. The basement was filled with sticking cobwebs that would stick to you like bubblegum and creepy crawlies that give you the goosebumps that look like a camel's hump… anyway let’s get back to the story. So as you already know Johnny and his father Thomas are in the basement with Professor Gertrud.

Johnny was getting really bored so he took himself for a tour around the basement. He saw some pretty neat stuff! He got told not to touch anything as he walked around but of course Johnny had to touch something.
“JOHNNY! COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE” Professor Gertrud screamed from the top of his lungs.
Yes?...” Johnny whispered knowing he was in a lot of trouble.
“WHAT DID I SAY?” Professor Gertrud said.
Umm, not to touch anything?” As Johnny whispered once again.
“Yes, yes indeed I did” Professor Gertrud said as he lowered his voice.

Johnny ran off out the door and down the street all the way back home to his mother at full speed crying. About 15 minutes later he finally got home but there was no sign of mother Joann. Johnny was starting to freak out! He was yelling “Mommy, Are you home?”. There was no sign of mother Joann. Once again Johnny asked the same question “Mommy, are you home?” but there was still no sign of Johnny’s mother. Johnny ran to the phone in his bedroom. “ Where is it?” Johnny thought. “Oh yeah! Thats right it’s under my bed”.

“Mother?.... Mother?”. Johnny said as tears started to roll down the side of his face. “ Is that you?”. Johnny turned his mother over and saw she had KILLED HERSELF! With the dog's collar chain. Ever since you never saw her or the family ever again.

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