Tuesday 8 August 2017

Argumentive Writing

Argumentive Writing- Shony And I :)

I reckon Frankie, Sierra, Shontaya and I have the right to take out 40 mins out of our afternoon and spend it with Keegan and Mr Ward. As you know Keegan isn't the smartest child on earth so if we spend 40 mins with Keegan after lunch it helps him understand more in life. We don't play with keegan just for the fun of it and to get out of class we do it to help him. I think we have many rights to help Keegan! This year we have taught Keegan many things and he enjoys us helping him with words that he struggles to say. As you know Mr Ward and Keegan have a pretty good connection with us girls so I still think we should be able to help Keegan in the afternoon. To me working with Keegan and Mr Ward has been the highlight of my year because I enjoy doing it. Last year I was scared to be around Keegan but working with him this year has made me understand that he isn't a dangerous boy he just has his angry and sad moments. We help Keegan speak more, move his body more and we use the snap cards to help him understand words and we use shape blocks to help him with the different shapes and we also play with the gym ball to help with his physical education. So in conclusion I think us girls should be able to do Keegan in the afternoon for the rest of the year!!


  1. Great argument Olivia,it sounds like your really passionate about this! :)

  2. I love this vivy
