Thursday 14 September 2017

50 Word Story

One time there lived a rich family the ROBERTSONS. Molly wanted to go to rainbows end but Sammy and Jonty didn’t want to go, they had something else planned for the weekend.
“No Molly! I have something else planned” Said mother Sammy. We are going to the hot pools instead.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Matahiwi Marae

Yesterday all year 8’s went to the Matahiwi Marae. I wasn't quite expecting the Marae to be green, I have always known a Marae to be Red, Black and White. The bus trip wasn’t as long as I thought either is felt like only 10 minutes anyway ill tell you a bit more about the Matahiwi Marae and what I had experienced at the Marae. Before we all went through the entrance of the Marae we had to do a karakia. Now we all walked in a crowd through the entrance of the Marae with all kapa haka in front and all non kapa haka were placed in the back.

As we walked through the entrance I had a great feeling my day was gonna end good. Matua Brownie, Matua Tom and Lovey welcomed us year 8’s onto the Marae and sung some songs and said some speeches which reminded me of my Poppa. After all the speeches and songs we all lined up with kapa haka in the front and non kapa haka at the back all getting ready to sing the school song and Tutira mai nga iwi. The school song sounded way better than what we sung on Monday Morning. The Matahiwi Marae was a fun and very interesting experience.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Asstle Writing

     Term 3 Asttle Writing
Bottom left picture-
Boy looking under the bed

My Story is about-
Mother Joann dies under Johnny’s bed

Johnny= Little boy ( main character )
Joann= Mother
Thomas= Father
Professor Gertrud= Work Manager  

In Professor Gertruds basement (Setting One)
In Johnny’s room under the bed (Setting Two)

My Writing-

It all started back in the 1980’s when Johnny and his father Thomas went out helping Professor Gertrud down in the basement. The basement was filled with sticking cobwebs that would stick to you like bubblegum and creepy crawlies that give you the goosebumps that look like a camel's hump… anyway let’s get back to the story. So as you already know Johnny and his father Thomas are in the basement with Professor Gertrud.

Johnny was getting really bored so he took himself for a tour around the basement. He saw some pretty neat stuff! He got told not to touch anything as he walked around but of course Johnny had to touch something.
“JOHNNY! COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANCE” Professor Gertrud screamed from the top of his lungs.
Yes?...” Johnny whispered knowing he was in a lot of trouble.
“WHAT DID I SAY?” Professor Gertrud said.
Umm, not to touch anything?” As Johnny whispered once again.
“Yes, yes indeed I did” Professor Gertrud said as he lowered his voice.

Johnny ran off out the door and down the street all the way back home to his mother at full speed crying. About 15 minutes later he finally got home but there was no sign of mother Joann. Johnny was starting to freak out! He was yelling “Mommy, Are you home?”. There was no sign of mother Joann. Once again Johnny asked the same question “Mommy, are you home?” but there was still no sign of Johnny’s mother. Johnny ran to the phone in his bedroom. “ Where is it?” Johnny thought. “Oh yeah! Thats right it’s under my bed”.

“Mother?.... Mother?”. Johnny said as tears started to roll down the side of his face. “ Is that you?”. Johnny turned his mother over and saw she had KILLED HERSELF! With the dog's collar chain. Ever since you never saw her or the family ever again.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Body System Writing

What does The Heart do?

The heart works like a pump and pumps around about 100,000 times a day. The heart has two sides which is separated by an inner wall which is called the septum. The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and the left side of the heart receives the oxygen blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body.  
What can go wrong?

With heart failure the weakened heart can't supply the cells with enough blood. When this happens excess fluid builds up in your lungs and in the tissues throughout your body. You start to feel tired and become short of breath and your legs and ankles may become swollen.

How do you look after your heart?

Quit Smoking-
If you're a smoker, stopping is the biggest step you can take to reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Healthy Eating-
Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day.

Drink Less Alcohol-
If you drink alcohol, keep to the recommended daily limits.

Made By Olivia :)

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Argumentive Writing

Argumentive Writing- Shony And I :)

I reckon Frankie, Sierra, Shontaya and I have the right to take out 40 mins out of our afternoon and spend it with Keegan and Mr Ward. As you know Keegan isn't the smartest child on earth so if we spend 40 mins with Keegan after lunch it helps him understand more in life. We don't play with keegan just for the fun of it and to get out of class we do it to help him. I think we have many rights to help Keegan! This year we have taught Keegan many things and he enjoys us helping him with words that he struggles to say. As you know Mr Ward and Keegan have a pretty good connection with us girls so I still think we should be able to help Keegan in the afternoon. To me working with Keegan and Mr Ward has been the highlight of my year because I enjoy doing it. Last year I was scared to be around Keegan but working with him this year has made me understand that he isn't a dangerous boy he just has his angry and sad moments. We help Keegan speak more, move his body more and we use the snap cards to help him understand words and we use shape blocks to help him with the different shapes and we also play with the gym ball to help with his physical education. So in conclusion I think us girls should be able to do Keegan in the afternoon for the rest of the year!!

Best Edited Writing

March 26th

Dear Julia,
I have been here for only 2 days and  i’m already hating it! The trenches are disgusting and there’s too many rats that get into the biscuits you made me before I left. I've been eating hard tack since the day I left you and I don't think I can eat it no longer so don't be surprised if I die of starvation. I’m already missing you I hope the war ends soon and I survive so I can come back home to you. There has been to many men killed, I hope i’m not the next! I haven’t slept since the last time I was with you… there’s too many guns going off and it’s killing me! Johnny has been shot three times but luckily he's still alive well should I say just about alive.I also have something to tell you! Yesterday when we landed in gallipoli i had been shot near the heart and I don’t know if i'll be able to make it. Just incase if I don’t I LOVE YOU! Being in the trenches wasn’t what I thought it would be like it’s literally … DISGUSTING!!!! … I don’t think I can live a bit longer like this! I can't even write a proper letter to you with all this destruction of the guns and the guys dieing in pain. I’m sorry if this letter comes late it's just  I have been wearing other’s shoes as mine just dissolve in the water nearly every day, but I can handle it. Having my feet in them ain't that bad.I really hope I get to see you soon! Anyways I have to go the team is needing help before all of them die so I will send another letter soon… I LOVE YOU HEAPS!!!
From your beloved husband,


Tuesday 30 May 2017

Tech Challenge

Monday, 29th May

Today Room 5 had a Technology Challenge and we had to build a solid bridge with only 20 iceblock sticks NO glue, NO cellotape or anything!. We had to get into 5 groups of 4 or 5 so Sierra, Shontaya, Summer and I formed a group of 4. The aim was to span a 30cm gap and support a 500g weight. Sierra came up with an idea which was to weave the iceblock sticks in a stable position, so we tried it...the first time we tried it didnt seem to work so we tryed another idea which was to stack the sticks over to the other side of the desk, so we tried it. It didnt seem to work so we asked Mr Birnie for help and he suggested me weave the iceblock sticks but before you knew it we had to test them but ours was not stable.


Thursday 30 March 2017

Technology Challenge

Rocket Message Carrier
You are being held hostage in a room in a building on one side of a road. Across the road are people who can help you escape. You must get a plan of your building and a message across to them without alerting your captors, so you cannot yell out.
Your room has a small window. Beside it is an old telephone line which crosses the road. You have to get the map and the message across the road to the other building without being heard or seen.  You must also hurry- you only have 20 minutes until you are taken to a top-secret location which you know you will never escape from.
Fortunately, a party has recently taken place in the room you are held in and some materials have been left behind.
You wave to your friends and prepare to send the message. Speed and safe delivery are important, so they have to be able to quickly detach the message and plan and unfold it in one piece- there are no spare copies- you have one chance only!

You have 20 minutes to build your message carrier which will take an A5 sized paper with map and message safely across to the building 7m away.

You will have
  • One rubber balloon
  • 1.5m of sticky tape
  • Two paper clips
  • Dowel 20mm long
  • Two pieces A5 paper, one peice will have the messageon it.

Friday 10 March 2017

My Best Edited Writing

The Haunted House….

“Olivia” my mother calls.
“Yes mother” I yell, running to her.
“Go get some fresh air outside and go for a little walk.”
I went outside and thought to myself “where should I go?” I went down the street skipping in happiness until.. “ I think i’m lost” I said. I started to shivering with fear. I was trying to find my way home but instead of finding my way home I found a house well should I say a haunted house. I was slowly walking up the pathway with wonder. I wondered does anyone live here? I walk up to the scary looking door trying to be quiet but the boards of wood started to creak. I got to the creepy scary looking door opening it as slow as I could. Creeeeak! The door slowly opened. When I got inside of the haunted house the lights flickered and flickered. I kept on hearing weird noises yelling at me…

“OLIVIA” I heard! “Its coming from the top of the stairs” I said “It sounds like a ghost” I was petrified! I was slowly walking up the old long creaky stairs shivering and shivering trying not to cry. But at that moment I then felt a tap on my back, I turned around quickly and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I then looked at the top of the old long creaky stairs and said to myself “Is that a ghost or what?” I yelled “what’s up there!?” I walked up the old long creaky stairs terrified of what’s going on. I then  got to the top of the old long stairs. I keep hearing those noises again and again it really starting to irritate and scare me. I suddenly see a light shining through the door and a shadow passing through the room. I heard something saying my name over and over. Walking up to the scary door was a bad choice but I was wondering should I open it? I lightly touched the door handle with one finger and the door immediately opened. I walked in the room and heard a voice saying “follow me Olivia follow me”. I followed the voice as it kept getting louder and louder every step I took. I got to the end of the room and BANG!! The door slammed. The light flickered on and off. I was shivering even more the voice inside me was saying I need to get out of here quickly as I had tears rolling down my face. I tried to run but the doors kept slamming and slamming. I was yelling help but no one heard me so I yelled even louder. I was running out of every room I was in getting trapped over and over again. I was rushing and screaming as loud as I could… “HELP,HElP,HELP!!!” I yelled get me out of here!

I saw a light coming from a door so I run towards it getting ready to open the door and I was out of the house as quick as I could trying to find my way home again. I tripped over a rock as I got out of the haunted house and hit my head on another rock… not remembering anything “Olivia where are you?” my mother cried. I didn’t reply as I didn’t hear anything and my mother was freaking out “ Olivia!” my mother cried again “ this is not a joke or any game” she said! so she was looking every where for me trying to find me as fast as she could. It was getting dark and cold. She looked every where but nothing could be found ever since 1989 nothing or no one was found or seen….

TO BE CONTINUED............ 

Camp Letter #1

Monday 6th March 2017                                    
ALS_1460.JPGRoom 5
Havelock North Intermediate

Dear Megan,
Thank you for coming to camp with room 5 and 7. You washed, dried and named all the dishes, it stopped room 5 and 7 not washing and drying as many dishes so thank you. Being at camp with you was amazing doing activities, sleeping in the same cabin and also laughing together on the way to camp and on the way back to school.

My favourite part of camp was doing the mud slide. I will always remember how I said I would never go down the mudslide but at the end I ended up going and that was funny. I also loved how we made deals on if I went on the flying fox you will go down the mudslide that was also funny. Being at camp with you was extra fun.

Once again thank you for coming to camp with us.

Yours Sincerely,

Monday 20 February 2017


Ko te Rongokako te maunga                         
Ko Tuki Tuki  te awa                             
Ko Olivia ahau
Ko John toku matua
Ko Selena toku mama
Ko Olivia Jean Veerkamp toku ingoa

Ko Veerkamp toku ingoa whanau

Friday 9 December 2016

Science Facts

Did You Know...

What makes popcorn pop?
Popcorn is a special kind of corn. Of all the types of corn popcorn is the only variety that pops. Inside each kernel of popcorn is a tiny droplet of water surrounded by a hard shell called a hull. As the popcorn is heated the water turns into steam which builds pressure inside the kernel.

What causes thunder?
Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance and nature of the lightning thunder can range from a sharp loud crack to a long low rumble. The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning.

What causes a rainbow?
A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

Why does hair turn grey?
As we get older the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color like gray, silver or white as it grows.

Why do we feel dizzy when we spin?
As each hair bends it makes its nerve cell send a signal telling the brain about that movement. When we spin around the fluid starts spinning too. ... When we stop, the fluid keeps moving. That may make us feel that we are spinning backward.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Reflective Writing - Week 4 & 5 Term 4 - 31st Oct-11th Nov

My success this week is Athletics, becasue athletics day hasn't been my favourite day through out the years of Te Mata Primary but as I got to this year I really enjoyed it. This year for athletics I had fun doing all the events but I really enjoyed the sprints becasue in the 100m sprints I came 1st= with Rachel! When the gun went off I ran with fear, I was shaking with fear thinking I wasn't going to win but sprints is not about winning its about having fun so thats what I did.

My other success this week is Media studies, because the first media studies class I didn't know what media studies was until the next lesson becasue Mr Cottrell was telling us on the first lesson about a story. It was interesting! the next lesson we were learning about what media studies was and how it worked. The 3rd lesson was fun but it wasnt as fun as the last session. The last lesson was the best becasue we went live on peak tv!

My concerns this last week are I don't have any concerns

My goal for next week are to try and get my homework done in time, because latley I havent been presenting my homework to the class in time so hopefully this homework I present it to the class in time. I have set this goal because I am hoping to complete this goal before next week!

Image result for gold rush

Friday 9 September 2016

Electronics Emergency Light

I have started construction and so far I have done... So far on my Emergency Light I have Drilled my wholes, Put cooper tape on corflute, Put LED lights in the wholes of the corflute, Marked the VE- and VE+ and have soldered the VE+ side to the copper tape. The one thing I found most challenging was drilling the wholes in the corflute.
Image result for under construction